ISLAMABAD - Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said that no progress can be made until an end to US drone strikes.
He said that Pakistan is passing through a delicate phase requiring complete unanimity of views and consensus on the strategy to deal with the challenge of terrorism and violence.
Speaking on a motion moved in the National Assembly about recent drone attacks in North Waziristan Agency‚ the interior minister said conflicting interests are at work and it is duty of the parliamentarians to safeguard interest of the country.
He cautioned that there are enemies as well as friends like enemies that are advancing their own agenda in a cloak and dagger game.
The minister expressed satisfaction that during debate in the House there was wide consensus that the dialogue process should continue and the drone strikes should come to an end in any case.
The Interior Minister said the government was sincerely working to make the dialogue process a success and the other side too wanted formal talks.
He clarified that despite provocative actions like killing of senior army officers‚ the armed forces contributed fully to ensure conducive atmosphere for holding of dialogue. He said Pakistan Army was fully on board in the dialogue process.
The Interior Minister regretted that a highly damaging debate on who is a martyr has begun targeting the Pakistan Army.
He rejected the allegation that Pakistan Army was acting at the behest of the United States in the war against terror.
He pointed out that Pakistan has good working relations with Karzai government and the United States has been seeking Pakistan support for establishing contact with Afghan Taliban.
He said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will be visiting Afghanistan next month for talks with Afghan President.
Nisar said Pakistan government and agencies have no favourites in Afghanistan and only want that the reconciliation process should be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned.
The Minister said previously a suggestion was made that Pakistan should talk separately to each group but this proposition was not entertained as it would have created an impression that the government was trying to create rift among Taliban.
The Interior Minister categorically stated that the dialogue process cannot move forward if drone attacks continued. He said Pakistan has conveyed its concern to the United States and their reaction has been shared with the parliamentary leaders. He said there would be more debate on the issue during the next two days.
Giving background of the process‚ Ch. Nisar Ali Khan said on the basis of evidence as to who was behind attack on a Church in Peshawar and other places‚ the other side was told that no formal delegation would be sent until and unless bomb blasts are stopped.
The minister said that drone strike was a serious setback to the peace process but we will have to review the situation during the next four to six weeks to pick up the pieces again.
He said there are people on the other side as well who still believe in the dialogue process.
The interior minster said there should be no doubt that the government and the political parties are fully resolved to defend every inch of Pakistan and its frontiers and provide security to citizens.


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